PA12 7551T


NYCOA Polyamide 7551 T    
Nycoa (Nylon Corporation of America)   
 Technical Data    


NYCOA 7551 T is a heat stabilized Nylon 12 alloy that offers outstanding toughness, flexibility, and impact strength. It has been specially formulated to give excellent resistance to zinc chloride and other automotive fluids. The material offers high resi

NYCOA 7551 T is suitable for both injection molding and extrusion. It exhibits outstanding processability, chemical resistance, good heat stability and an excellent balance of mechanical properties. This grade is available with custom additive packages: UV stabilizer, flame retardant and/or custom colors.

Typical applications include high performance automotive tubing; air brakes, fuel lines and lube lines and profile extrusion.


材料状态  • 已商用:当前有效   
资料 1  •  Technical Datasheet (English)
Search for UL Yellow Card •  Nycoa (Nylon Corporation of America)
 •  NYCOA Polyamide
供货地区  • 北美洲 • 南美洲 • 亚太地区 
  • 非洲和中东 • 欧洲  
添加剂  • 热稳定剂   
  • 防潮性 • 耐化学性良好 • 热稳定性 
性能特点  • 抗撞击性,良好 • 耐热性,高  
  • 可加工性,良好 • 耐油性能 • 韧性良好 
  • 良好的柔韧性 • 耐油脂性能  
用途  • 管道 • 燃料管线  
  • 汽车领域的应用: • 型材  
外观  • 可用颜色 • 自然色  
形式  • 颗粒料   
加工方法  • 挤出 • 注射成型  
物理性能   额定值单位制 测试方法 
比重   1.01g/cm³ ASTM D792 
吸水率    ASTM D570 
24 hr   0.34%  
饱和   1.0%  
机械性能   额定值单位制 测试方法 
抗张强度 3  45.0MPa ASTM D638 
伸长率 3 (断裂)  300% ASTM D638 
弯曲模量 3  400MPa ASTM D790 
弯曲强度 3  15.9MPa ASTM D790 
冲击性能   额定值单位制 测试方法 
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 (6.35 mm)  850J/m ASTM D256 
热性能   额定值单位制  
熔融温度   174 到 206°C  
Tensile Elongation at Break, ASTM D638, 2 in/min: 300+%
The value listed as Melting Point, was tested in accordance with ASTM D789.

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2 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。

3 51 mm/min


PA12 TR90副牌料,PA12 TR90原料,PA12 TR90水口料,PA12 TR90改性料,PA12 TR90眼镜料,电话0769-87795123
版权所有:东莞市双帮塑胶原料有限公司    网址: